Week 7 I Neuroscience+Art

 The combination of neuroscience, art, and spirituality is a fascinating space where science, creativity, and personal reflection come together. It's a place where we can explore the brain and its workings, express ourselves through art, and delve into deeper questions about our inner selves and the meaning of life. 

Nemo, Leslie. "Watch the Human Brain Come to Life in This Stunning Piece of Art." Scientific American.

In part 1 of the lecture videos, Vesna emphasizes the transformative power of art in linking scientific knowledge with our personal experiences. She states that "Art becomes a means to bridge the scientific knowledge and human experience," which encapsulates the idea that art goes beyond observation (Vesna, "Lecture 1"). Similarly, "Neuroculture" by Frazetto and Anketo examines the cultural impact of neuroscience, exploring the different ways in which it shapes our understanding of ourselves and the world, stating that "Neuroscience challenges our cultural certainties and invites us to rethink our notions of what it means to be human" (Frazetto and Anketo 818). 

Vesna also focuses on the combined nature of art and neuroscience, uncovering the exciting possibilities that emerge when these two fields merge. She highlights the thrill of unknown territories, stating, "When we have collaborations between artists and scientists, we are often in unknown territory, which is really where the most exciting things can happen" (Vesna, "Lecture 2").  

Jovovic, Milan. "The Art Of Mind-Flow And Neuroscience: Understanding The Mind". Meer.

The connection between the brain and artistic creativity is also discussed, where the ability of art to communicate experiences beyond the confines of language is explored. Vesna states, "Artists can take these neural processes and use them to communicate experiences that cannot be communicated through words alone" (Vesna, "Lecture 3"). This aligns with Carl Jung's stance in "The Spiritual Problem of Modern Man" when he suggests that the spiritual realm cannot be fully expressed through rational language alone, requiring symbolic and creative forms of communication (Jung 2). 

Shi, Diana. "Beautiful Brain Art Uncovers the Complexity of the Human Mind". Tech By Vice. 

Thus, the union of neuroscience and art unlocks a world of infinite possibilities, where scientific exploration and artistic expression combine, and enhance our understanding of ourselves and the world. 



Frazetto, Giovanni, and Suzanne Anketo. "Neuroculture." Macmillan Publishers Limited. 2009. 

Jung, Carl "The Spiritual Problem of Modern Man." PDF. https://bruinlearn.ucla.edu/courses/160989/pages/unit-7-agenda?module_item_id=5946341

Vesna, Victoria. "Neuroscience+Art, Lecture 1." https://bruinlearn.ucla.edu/courses/160989/pages/unit-7-view?module_item_id=5946342. 

Vesna, Victoria. "Neuroscience+Art, Lecture 2." https://bruinlearn.ucla.edu/courses/160989/pages/unit-7-view?module_item_id=5946342. 

Vesna, Victoria. "Neuroscience+Art, Lecture 3." https://bruinlearn.ucla.edu/courses/160989/pages/unit-7-view?module_item_id=5946342. 


Shi, Diana. "Brain Art Uncovers the Complexity of the Human Mind." Vice, 20 May 2022, https://www.vice.com/en/article/pg5mgv/brain-art-uncovers-the-complexity-of-the-human-mind. 

Nemo, Leslie. "Watch the Human Brain Come to Life in This Stunning Piece of Art." Scientific American, 12 April 2021, https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/watch-the-human-brain-come-to-life-in-this-stunning-piece-of-art/.

Jovovic, Milan. "The Art of Mind Flow and Neuroscience." Meer. https://www.meer.com/en/65421-the-art-of-mind-flow-and-neuroscience


  1. Hello Shakira! I really enjoyed reading your blog. In particular, I liked how you described the ways in which art has been a medium that conveys emotions and feelings that words could not. Neuroscience and science for that matter helps in a similar way of understanding these feelings and emotions as art does. Both challenge the concept of what it means to be human, which I find your blog really touches upon as I also found it one of the most interesting takeaways from this module. Overall, great job and insights!

  2. Hi Shakira. I think you did a great job on this weeks blog. The way you explained the connection between neuroscience and art was very intriguing and logical. Your photos created a great visual representation of what you were explaining. Your sources also provided great evidence. Nice job!!


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