Week 9 │ Space + Art

 The intersection of space and art presents an interesting field that combines the wonders of the cosmos with the creativity of human expression. This fascinating connection between the two allows artists a way to create experiences that transform and broaden our understanding of the world.

Setwayan, Agus. "Jelly Space." Society6.

Vesna highlights the connection between space exploration and art, emphasizing their creative nature. She states, "Space is one of the most creative realms to explore, and as artists, we are explorers ourselves" (Vesna, Space + Art Part 1). By describing space as a creative place, she highlights that the exploration of outer space and artistic expression share a fundamental value of creativity and curiosity. Vesna also discusses how space's beauty greatly impacts artistic creation. She states the immersive experience of space is, "...not just looking out, but really being immersed in this vastness, in this extraordinary beauty" (Vesna, Space + Art, Part 2). 

 Paglen, Trevor. "Orbital Reflector." Dezeen. 

In Part 3 of the video series, Vesna delves deeper into the interaction of creativity between space and art. She explores the concept of "interdisciplinary fluidity," highlighting how artists and scientists often collaborate, pushing the boundaries of their respective disciplines. Vesna states, "Artists and scientists can learn so much from each other because they both have the capacity to be imaginative, and they can be experimental, and they can take risks" (Vesna, Space + Art Part 3). She then discusses the transformative nature of space as a medium for immersive experiences. She stresses the need to transcend the limits between the art and those who see it, stating, "I think what we are witnessing is the blurring of boundaries between the viewer and the artwork itself" (Vesna, Space + Art Part 4). 

Kapoor, Anish. "Black Hole." AnishKapoor.Com 

Lastly, Vesna underlines the impact of space exploration on our awareness of Earth's vulnerability. She argues that art has the possibility to cause change, noting, "Art has this potential to touch people emotionally and create a bond, create empathy, and ultimately change behavior" (Vesna, Space + Art Part 5). Thus, the transformative power of art can inspire others to recognize the fragile nature of our world, encouraging a sense of responsibility and a shift towards more sustainable behaviors.



Vesna, Victoria. "Space + Art Part 1." Bruinlearn, https://bruinlearn.ucla.edu/courses/160989/pages/unit-9-view?module_item_id=5946351. 

Vesna, Victoria. "Space + Art Part 2." Bruinlearn, https://bruinlearn.ucla.edu/courses/160989/pages/unit-9-view?module_item_id=5946351. 

Vesna, Victoria. "Space + Art Part 3." Bruinlearn, https://bruinlearn.ucla.edu/courses/160989/pages/unit-9-view?module_item_id=5946351. 

Vesna, Victoria. "Space + Art Part 4." Bruinlearn, https://bruinlearn.ucla.edu/courses/160989/pages/unit-9-view?module_item_id=5946351. 

Vesna, Victoria. "Space + Art Part 5." Bruinlearn, https://bruinlearn.ucla.edu/courses/160989/pages/unit-9-view?module_item_id=5946351. 


Kapoor, Anish. "Black Hole." Anish Kapoor, 18 August 2018,

Paglen, Trevor. "Orbital Reflector." Dezeen, 22 Mar. 2019, https://www.dezeen.com/2019/03/22/orbital-reflector-trevor-paglen-design/.

Setwayan, Agus. "Jelly Space." Society6, March 2014, https://society6.com/product/jellyspace-x3x_print?curator=homedesigning. 


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